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Siavosh, President of Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, visited our University with Other 4 Members

Siavosh, President of Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, visited our University with Other 4 Members 

Source: International Exchange Division


Release time: 16: 50:54, October 15, 2015

Recently, Siavosh, president of Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, Van, vice-president of Otago Polytechnic 

in New Zealand, Xu Dingyi, senior consultant, Mr. Edwin and Miss Gou Xiaolei from New Zealand Jiade 

Consulting Co., LTD visited our university.

President Xu Kewei, vice-president Wang Xiaoping met with the guests. Xu Kewei extended a warm welcome 

and introduced the fundamental state of our university to president Siavosh. Also, he expressed a good 

expectation for the possible cooperation between Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand and Xi’an University.

President Siavosh thanked faithfully to our university for the warm reception and spoke highly of our good 

development momentum. He introduced the master education program and the situations of other majors 

in Otago Polytechnic with the hope that the two universities could strengthen further cooperation in the field 

of master education in different subjects. President Siavosh sincerely invited the teachers and students of 

our university to visit Otago Polytechnic with the hope that deepening understanding and enhancing mutual

trust could be achieved by visiting each other.

Vice-president Wang Xiaoping said our university was willing to actively develop the exchange visits among 

teachers and students with Otago Polytechnic. Both sides had an informal discussion about major setup 

and cooperation. 

After the conversazione, President Xu Kewei and President Siavosh on behalf of the two sides signed a 

memorandum of cooperation.

The guests were accompanied by Dong Xiaofeng, head of the International Exchange Division, 

Xu Dongsheng, director of Office of Educational Administration, Wei Wei, deputy director of Office of 

Educational Administration, Dai Jun, dean of Mechanical Engineering and Material School, Cui Jianbin, 

dean of Foreign Studies School, Tao Guirong, dean of Biological and Environmental Engineering School,

Liu Hongming, dean of Economics and Management School, Guo Tao, dean of School of Art.

上一条:Researcher of University of Technology Sydney Gave Academic Reports in Xi'an University 下一条:President Xu Kewei Attended the High-end Academic Seminar of Cultural Inheritance and Innovation of Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo