News and Events

The Third Session of Labor Union and Staff Congress Held

  On Nov. 11th, the Third Session of Labor Union and Staff Congress of Xi’an University was held. The congress was attended by over a hundred people including Feng Zengquan, Vice Chairman of the Xi’an Municipal Labor Union;Wang Yong, Director of the Labor Union of Xi'an Education, Science, Culture and Health as well as representatives from Xi’an University.

  Fan Hong, Chairman of the Labor Union of Xi’an University, deliveredthe work report of the Labor Union of Xi’an University. Moreover,Work Report of the Funding Review Committee of Xi'an University andFinancial Work Report of the Labor Union of Xi’an Universitywere submitted.

  Through a standardized election process, 15 members of the Labor Union Committee and five members of the Labor Union Examination Committee were elected.

  In group discussion in the afternoon, the delegates reviewedthe Outline of the Medium-and Long-Term Development Plan for Xi'an University (2020-2035), discussed the completion of the objectives and tasks of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Xi'an University, and solicited suggestions on the development of various undertakings during the 14th Five-Year Plan.

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