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Shaanxi Province First Education and Technology Talent Innovation Consortium Settled in Xi’an-U


Release Time: March 14,2023      Source: School of Biological and Environmental Engineering

  The signing ceremony of Xi'an University and Xi'an Xintong Pharmaceutical Joint Education and Technology Talent Innovation Consortium (biomedical university-enterprise joint laboratory) was heldon March 14th in  Xi'an University. Zhu Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department of Provincial Education Department; Zhang Huahua, first-class researcher of Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Deng Wei, director of Science and Technology Innovation Bureau of High-tech Zone (Qin Chuangyuan Innovation-driven Development Office); Yang Rong, Director of Innovation Park Development Center of High-tech Zone; Liu Haipeng, General manager of Xi'an Lianchuang Incubator Co. LTD.; Zhang Dengke, Chairman and General Manager of Xi'an Xintong Pharmaceutical Research Co. LTD, Liu Mingli, member of the Party Committee and vice President of Xi'an University, head and members of the School of Biological and Environmental Engineering attended the ceremony. Bao Feng, member of the Party Committee and director of the Office of Academic Research, presided over the ceremony.

  Liu Mingli said in his speech that our university always takes serving the economic and social development of Xi’an as our own responsibility, and constantly strengthens school-government, school-enterprise and interschool cooperation. The school-enterprise cooperation betweenXi’an university and Xintong Pharmaceutical aims to achieve innovation in the aspects of exploring the applied talent training of Xi’an biomedical industry, promoting the collaboration between medical education, the integration of industry and education, and innovating the talent training model of school-enterprise cooperation. The joint construction of education and technology talent innovation consortium will inject new vitality into drug research and development, team building, talent training, student employment and other aspects jointly carried out by our university and Xintong Pharmaceutical.

  Zhang Dengke introduced the specific situation ofthe study ofliver enzyme metabolism, tumor cell culture and proliferation inhibition study,pharmaceutical exploration in rats and mice, and preliminary evaluation of the safety of repeatedinjection.

  Yang Rong recalled the achievements of the university since the establishment of the Mass Innovation Space in 2016, and pointed out that the establishment of the innovation consortium of education and science and technology talents is a concrete action to implement thevision of the 20th National Congress of our Party , and the trinity cooperation among the government, universities and enterprises is an important way tobolsterscientific and technological innovation, promote the transformation of achievements, and realize scientific and technological self-reliance. He hoped that through the establishment of education and technology talent innovation consortium, Xi'an medical industry will play an engine role in the development of joint talent training.

  Zhang Huahuaexpressed twoexpectations: firstly, he hoped that the school could continue to get support from the provincial education department; secondly, he hoped that the two sides couldbolster a cooperation mechanism, strengthen the expansion of the internship base, and make greater contributions to the practice of China's modernization in Xi'an.

  Zhu Xiaodong expressed his congratulations on the signing of the contract, and stressed that as the first innovation consortium of education and technology talents in Shaanxi Province, he hoped that both two sideswoulddeepen integration in education, science and technology, talents and other aspects.

  After the ceremony, the guests visited the relevant laboratories to check the actual progress of the research and development of both sides in the early stage.

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